Interested in getting some Colorado bison from a local rancher? Ray Theiman of Prairie Ridge Bison Ranch is a good friend of those of us at Slow Food in Denver and has some extra processed meat available for sale. Here’s the details directly from the organizer:

“Ray has two smaller heifers available.  He is going to charge us $3.25 per pound on the hanging weight (including all processing). That is the same price we got last year and the same average price we paid at the Auction this year. So my plan is to help Ray sell these bison in our standard CSA model.  We will divide the carcasses into 8 shares each.  I believe that Ray said that these carcasses weighed in around 460 pounds.  According to my calculations that would result in about 35 pounds of finished bison at a cost of $190 (plus $10 delivery).”

That’s $5.71 per pound – for a great mix of steaks, roasts and ground meat!

Interested? Send me an email and I’ll give you the contact information.