I hesitate to even call this a recipe – in fact, it’s a simple technique. If you’re one of those who laments that every time you cook a boneless chicken breast it comes out dry and tough, then this is for you.I’ve written about making compound butter with herbs before. It’s both a way to make butter more interesting and flavorful, and it’s also a great way to use up and preserve herbs before they die off with the snowfall.I made this compound butter for a recipe in the cookbook I’m working on – and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t make up 5 pounds and freeze it to use all winter long. It’s that good, I promise – but my editor tells me that for legal reasons, you’ll have to wait until the book comes out to enjoy it. Sorry about that!For now just follow any of my suggestions for making herbed butter. Melt a good chunk of that in a small skillet over medium to low heat, and add a seasoned chicken breast. Cover and let it cook very slowly on low heat, turning once after 10 minutes, until the chicken is no longer pink inside. The chicken will release juices that when combined with the butter will slowly poach it to a tender and moist piece of meat with a delicate herbal flavor. Perfection.