For many, today marks a day of special religious significance. But whether you celebrate Easter or not, there’s no denying the magic that happens each spring when our plants, flowers and trees shake off their winter slumber and start to blossom. Let’s hope these lovely blooms on my Italian plum tree lead to an abundance of fruit this year.My tomato plants are in the ground, nestled safely inside water walls to keep them warm until all chance of frost leaves us.While I chomp at the bit, anxious to begin planting annuals around my perennials, I satisfy my need for flowers with hearty pansies.The waxy leaves of sedum push their way past the remaining stems from last year’s plant.The herb garden has been going strong for weeks now, not at all deterred by late snows or cold weather.As the choke cherry trees in my back yard begin to open their flowers I prepare myself for their incredible sweet scent.The peony that I transplanted from my old yard seems to finally have adjusted to its new home, already displaying buds that will burst into gorgeous pink flowers.I took the time to remove some roses that had died from too much shade and replaced them with these lovely variegated hostas. They’ll work beautifully under the shade of the choke cherry trees.And watching over it all is this yard art (“When Pigs Fly”) given to me by a dear friend recently.

Happy Spring to all of you!