During the lockdown of the pandemic in 2020, I worked to perfect a recipe for an old fashioned. Mine is a bit different than a traditional one, but it’s yummy and it became my go to cocktail. Until I went to San Juan, Puerto Rico and discovered two things: coconut washing and Barrilito rum.Coconut washing (or fat washing with another flavorful fat like bacon fat) is much easier than it sounds like. You simply mix the fat in its liquid form with the alcohol, let it meld on the counter for a couple of hours, then freeze it to make the fat solidify. Cut a whole in the fat cap, drain out the alcohol, and you’re ready to make a cocktail!The resulting fat washed alcohol has a rich flavor and a nice viscosity to it. I’ve done it with both bourbon and rum, but my very favorite is with Barrilito Rum, from the oldest producer of rum on the island. It’s nothing like your standard rum used in a classic rum and coke drink. Because it’s aged in sherry casks with a bunch of spices, it takes on a rich, complex flavor more akin to bourbon than rum. And it’s perfect for this cocktail. Take note that I tend to make my cocktails a double so as to skip making a second one, but if you want yours lighter, just cut the recipe in half.

New Style Tradewinds Tiki Drink
Prep time
Total time
An easy tropical drink without all of the thick sugary mess!
Recipe type: Beverage
Serves: 1-2
  • 3 ounces coconut washed rum (preferably Barrilito)
  • 1 ounce apricot juice (see Notes)
  • 3-4 shakes of orange bitters
  • Twist of lime zest
  1. Stir together the rum, apricot juice and bitters. Pour into a lowball glass over a large cube of ice and garnish with a twist of lime.
When you open a can of apricot juice for this cocktail, freeze the rest in an ice cube tray for use another time. One cube is goof for one cocktail.