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I have spent the last couple of days rambling around Rome, possibly my favorite place on earth. I have so many photos of the city that I sometimes lack the enthusiasm to shoot any more. But I decided on this trip to mess around with my Photogene app filters and give you a dramatic and moody view of Rome from my wanderings. I hope you enjoy!
Roses in bloom in front of Trajan’s Market Spanish Steps with azaleas for Labor DayFlower display looking out to the back courtyard at Hotel de RussieLining up for a late afternoon caffeOne of the many beautiful churches of RomeIntricate gold leaf ceiling of Basilica di Santa Maria in TrastevereThe Jewish GhettoPretty domes near Piazza VeneziaThe drama of Rome’s domes against the evening skyThe PantheonSant’Eustacchio coffee shopPiazza della RotundaTrevi FountainA conversation under an arched passagewaySpring flowers in a window box in TrastevereFountain near the Piazza FarnesePiazza di Santa Maria in TrastevereBeautiful ruins at the entrance to the Jewish GhettoPoppies in Trajan’s MarketThe monument to Vittorio Emanuele at Piazza VeneziaBella Roma!