Single Serve Breakfast Tart
February 20, 2010 • Breakfast, Popular, Tarts
I get these cravings every once in awhile for quiche. I also get motivated occasionally (ok, rarely) to clean out my freezer. I try to keep it organized, but it’s often overflowing with not only raw ingredients, but partially cooked items and fully cooked leftovers.Here’s a great example. Whenever I make my flaky tart crust, I save any leftover pieces of dough. Sometimes they are full discs ready for a tart, and sometimes small scraps.Today I had my eye on that scrap piece that I had already rolled out into a small crust just large enough for an individual tart pan.I’m not really sure how long that dough has been in the freezer – certainly long enough to get a bit dried out and funny looking……but not too long to bake up into a nice little tart shell like this. When baking an individual tart, you want to pre-bake the shell almost all the way prior to adding the fillings, because a single egg tart just won’t take that long to cook and firm up and you don’t want a soggy crust underneath.Continuing on with the cleanout, I found this bag of roasted orange peppers from my farm last fall, so I pulled one of these out and diced it up.I also found the ends of some green onions in the refrigerator so I sliced off about a tablespoon of them……which I place on the bottom of the tart……covered by the minced roasted orange pepper pieces……and about a tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese. Scramble one egg and pour it over the top and you’re ready to bake the tart, which will only take about 20-30 minutes. Note that I didn’t salt the eggs because the feta was adding enough salty flavor, but if you want to you can add salt and pepper to the scrambled egg before pouring it on top.Now doesn’t this look just lovely? These small tarts would be really nice to serve for a special brunch, and of course, quiche goes from breakfast to lunch to dinner, so really could be made for any meal. I felt I deserved some “fancy” food today – not sure why, and I sure hope you don’t think I’m too indulgent!
- 1 6" piece of flaky tart crust dough
- 1 tablespoon chopped roasted pepper (orange, red or yellow)
- 1 tablespoon sliced green onions
- 1 tablespoon crumbled feta cheese
- 1 egg, scrambled
- Press dough into a 4" individual tart pan with removable bottom. Dock crust with a fork then blind bake at 375 degrees, using a piece of foil and pie weights or beans, until lightly golden brown, about 30 minutes. Remove from oven and remove beans or pie weights; discard foil. Layer the tart shell with green onions, peppers, and feta cheese, then pour the scrambled egg over the top. Return to oven and bake until egg is set, about 30 minutes.
4 Comments • Comments Feed
Cahide (Turkish food) says:
Harika bir görüntü!
February 21, 2010 at 4:13 pm
Michele says:
Teşekkür ederim, sağol!
February 21, 2010 at 4:26 pm
arugulove says:
Looks gorgeous! I love the idea of making little individual quiches!
February 21, 2010 at 7:41 pm
Ms. Chair says:
This looks great. My reading students are working on a unit about word origins and cultural research. We are rounding out the unit of study with the exploration of foods from different cultures. My eighth grade reading boys can’t wait to try out the different foods. I just want them to try something other than a chicken nugget or chicken strip and this looks like a wonderful place to start.
October 15, 2012 at 1:04 pm