Egg in a Basket…and Thoughts On Friendship

September 30, 2012  •  Breakfast, Food for Thought

Guess what today is? It’s my birthday! Now I know many people – especially those my age – try to ignore these annual milestones, but celebrating another birthday beats the alternative by a long shot. I’ve been fortunate these past few years that I’ve been able to plan a trip around my birthday, and as you read this, I’m on a cruise from Quebec to Boston through Nova Scotia with some of my very best girlfriends. (Stay tuned for some great travel posts!)But if I were home, I’d be making this for myself for a little birthday breakfast. Egg in a basket is simply an egg cooked in the center of a piece of toast – cut out a hole with a cookie cutter – and make sure your hole is big enough, as my egg whites ran over on to the toast as you can probably see. It’s just cute and a nice way to have an egg and toast together. I could continue with lots of info on how to do it, but since it’s pretty much just that, I’d rather talk about friendship.I’ve heard it said that if you have at least one good friend in life, one really true friend, that you are lucky. Well, I am so very fortunate to have quite a few. A group of 4 of us have been exercising together on Friday mornings for nearly 20 years – that means through all of our child rearing years, through the ups and downs of jobs, marriages, health and more. As we were chatting back and forth about something this past Friday, complaining about the workout a bit, one of the women said, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” That weekly workout – and the coffee and snack afterwards! – has supported all of us through some of the best and worst times of our lives.I met one of my other closest friends through our jobs at IBM back in the 80’s (yikes, that sounds like a long time ago). At a time when it wasn’t always so easy to be a female manager in the business world, we felt that if we learned to play golf it might help our careers, we’d have fun, and certainly this would be something we could do with our husbands. So off to a weekend golf school we went, along with one of the women from the Friday workout group and a few other IBM women. That was over 23 years ago, and although some of the members of the group of women have changed – including the death of one of our dear friends – we have tried to go away with a group of girlfriends every year. I’ve had a bit of a challenging summer with my knee replacement, and I don’t think anyone was more ready for the trip this year than I felt I was. And spending a birthday with my girlfriends – along with perhaps room service instead of making my own egg in a hole – just sounds divine to me. I hope you all take the time to nurture your friendships – they are so important.


5 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Kirsten@ My Kitchen in the Rockies says:

    Happy Birthday, Michele. Hope you are having a wonderful day with your girl friends on your trip!

  2. Joan Nova says:

    Lovely post and sentiment. Happy Birthday!

  3. Emily says:

    Happy birthday Michele!
    I got to see my long lost friend Suzanne on Sat. while helping at a friend of yours. So how timely to read about friendship here in your blog. I heard about your rough road w/ the knee and I’m so sorry about it. But you are off again on your travels! Quebec was a honeymoon trip 20 years ago for Fred and me. I look forward to your posts and pics of it.
    Soak up the time with your friends and make some new memories.

  4. Ailsa says:

    This looks delicious but it is not Toad in the Hole which is sausages baked in batter.

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