Farewell Dinner at Linger in Denver
August 15, 2013 • Restaurants
Yesterday my “baby girl” left for a 3 month travel adventure in southeast Asia. She’ll make her way to Hawaii to see friends first and scope out job prospects in Maui for next year before heading on to Bali, the Philippines, and Thailand. She will be volunteering at a turtle sanctuary, volunteering in an environmental program, visiting beaches, taking cooking classes, and just traveling. Oh, and did I mention she’s traveling alone for much of that time? Yes, she’s actually 23 and not a baby anymore, and yes she is very worldly and level headed and competent. But still, how is a mom not to worry? I am thrilled she has my love of food, adventure, and travel, but I am still really hoping her two friends Ben and Mike will follow through with their plans to meet up with her for a month in Thailand so I worry just a little less. Before she left, we shared a farewell foodie dinner at Linger in Denver. Frankly, visionary food like this from Chef Justin Cucci is partially what inspires Jenny to travel in the first place.